Customers' voice - Free
for Jira

Let your customers vote for your Jira issues without without leaving the help center. Identify the value of your by customer surveys.

Try now

Let your customers vote for your Jira issues without without leaving the help center. Identify the customer value of your features.



Customers' voice - Free for Jira will be added to Data Forms for Jira.

After resolving the bug outlined here,
FRGE-1232 - Atlassian Accounts who have non JSM License cannot access Forge apps as unlicensed users
the functionality described on this page and additional features will be included into Data Forms for Jira.



Get valuable insights by gathering customer feedback


Get valuable insights by gathering customer feedback.

Shape features that align with your customers preferences and needs.

Decide next features by votes

Use the votes of your customers to decide which issues should be implemented next.

See which customers voted for a feature.

See which customers voted for a feature
Have your customers vote within the service desk portal


Have your customers vote within the service desk portal.

Show your customers the current status of the issues they voted for.

Specify the votable issues

Specify how many votes your customers have. Define which issues your customers can vote.

Involve your customers in your decisions.

Specify how many votes your customers have. Define which issues your customers can vote.